My first month of rotations is in family medicine. I'm in a one doctor clinic, and so far (...one day), it's been really great. All of my shadowing experience was in family practice, so it was the one rotation I knew what to expect. I spent the day following the doctor and the nurse practitioner around. I got to feel some hernias, help with an EKG, and gave someone a shot. All around, I think it was the perfect way to start all of this off.
And since this is a style blog and all, this is what I wore. I wanted to go in pretty conservative as I wanted to make a good impression and I didn't know how the atmosphere would be. Bootleg slacks, my new "watch", and a flower blouse that buttons high enough - can't really go wrong! Turns out they are super relaxed there, so I can play around a bit more with outfits than I will be able to when I'm on surgery for my second and third rotation ;)
For you med students out there - any reading material suggestions for family med? I don't even know where to start.
Blouse: Loft [very similar on sale]
Pants: The Limited [exact]
Shoes: Banana Republic [exact]
Belt: Gap
via instagram